
1. Read a little about what the tool, Voki, can do -http://creativiteach.me/2012/09/16/voki-for-education-way-more-than-talking-heads/
2 .See how other educators are using Voki in the classroom.
4. You can sign up for a Free account or Voki in the Classroom Account- http://www.voki.com/products.php
5.Use this slideshare below to take you through the process of creating a Voki.
- http://technology4kids.pbworks.com/w/page/24535850/Voki%20Talking%20Avatars
- http://webtoolexamples.wikispaces.com/Voki+Examples
- http://wcshighschoolpd.wikispaces.com/Voki
- http://www.readwritethink.org/professional-development/strategy-guides/speak-teaching-with-voki-30884.html
4. You can sign up for a Free account or Voki in the Classroom Account- http://www.voki.com/products.php
5.Use this slideshare below to take you through the process of creating a Voki.
6. Begin exploring! Create a voki that introduces yourself- https://voki.com/